Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gearing up for the holiday weekend....

Heading off to our camp in MA for the long weekend. While being there is relaxing - getting there can be stressful. Of course we are taking a 'friend' along - so I need to bring up the tent - and get that set up before dark. And then there is stopping at the store for all the goodies that we need. We have camped at this campground for the past 12 years (where has the time gone?). The girls have spent many a summer weekend there. It's a really nice camp - visually - the sites are large, and many people have done lots of great things to their site. It is an 'ownership' camp - you 'buy' a share and you have the right to the use of a site 'of your choice'. We 'bought' ours 6 years ago, we made our final payment this year!! While it's quite pretty, some of the 'owners' tend to make it less than enjoyable to be there!! But you have to look the other way, and just shrug them off. This weekend there is lots going on - as it's the last hurray for the summer. The girls are hoping that LOTS of kids (whoops - BOYS) will be there. But will they ever talk to them - nope!! Check out the link....
On a lighter note - Kate got 2 of her teeth bonded - as they were a little 'off' as far as the shape goes. She just got her braces off after 4 years - I really wanted her to have the perfect smile - especially after having the braces for so long.
Well - off to pack and get ready to hit the road!!
Have a wonderful, safe holiday weekend!

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