Well, it's the first morning of my blog - had a great visit with a friend for coffee (tea actually). I think I am one of the few swedes that don't drink coffee - even though I used to 'dup' coffee cake into my Mormor's coffee when I was a little girl. Can't stand the stuff now!! It was nice to catch up with her - we live in the same town - but have had a busy summer! The kids are back in school - my oldest (at home child that is) has gone back to public school after 2 years at a private girl's school - she is so excited that she said she would be dancing in the halls! My youngest (again, at home child) is a freshman, and also had a great start...middle at home child is hubby's niece...she is the veteran..she was at the high school last year - so she can give the aid to the other two if they need help - certainly must make her feel a little superior! Would I want to be back in high school - NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! It was such a simpler time in the 60's and 70's. I went to a small high school - and everyone knew everyone...great times - no stress - school is what you make it - you want it to suck and it will - want it to be great - and it will be!!
One last different subject - the little boy from New Haven, CT that is involved with the youth baseball program there (can't call it Little League - as it is not affiliated with it) who can't play ball - cause HE IS TOO GOOD?!?!?! What's up with that?? He should be so proud that he is as good as he is - and the other teams should be doing double overtime in the batting cages so they can hit his 40 mph pitches. To tell a child that he can't play because he is too good...that's nuts! But this is the way that things seems to go nowadays....if you don't win you don't want to play, What happened to if you don't play you can't win? Shame on all those involved with this issue. I hope that he and his family look to a REAL Little League team, and he plays ball there. I went through this myself with my own son 20 some odd years ago - he was a late stater as far Little League-ers go - he was tall - he was a fast runner - and he could hit the ball out of the park - instead of the fans from the other team saying anything positive about his accomplishments - they immediately questioned his age - he couldn't POSSIBLY be the correct age - he HAD to be older!!! In reality I guess some things never change!! I hope that little boy from New Haven finds his niche, sticks with it - and boy I hope he likes the Red Sox!!!
Have a great day!!
Love this! Love your pic with glasses...they make you look younger, believe it or not.
Re: the kid and the baseball situation...agree! Maybe he can go play for the Mariner's--hear they need lots of pitching help and he sounds like he could qualify.
Parents who are beefing are most likely jealous and unnecessarily fearful...the other kids could actually benefit from batting against him by being challenged...there's plenty of protective gear required so they shouldn't get hurt. Bet it's more of a case of " My poor baby won't be able to hit a hime run" off this kid...tough nuggets. Hope they sue the crap out of whoever put this lame barrier up.
High School was fun at times but not at others...I'd never want to go back wither...but there was stress, even if you've forgotten or didn't experience it. Just different kinds.
I always despised typing and spelling as a combo. oops.
I'm sure the girls will have a great time in highschool! Like they say "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
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